Your Life as an Amazon: An Owner's Manual. Part II

Things that suck about being tall (and a chick).

When your panty hose aren�t quite long enough, and so the crotch is a few inches lower than it would normally be so that the crotch of the panty hose isn�t exactly flush with your� crotchal region� and as a result when you walk you�ve got a lovely and constant case of Chub Rub.

You go through razors like nobodies business just because you�ve got so damn much leg.

Here�s a problem (that�s unfortunately in my case quickly becoming moot (see entry �From Phat to Fat: A Statistical Analysis)) that you have when buying pants. So, you need pants that are long enough for you, and you would find those in a size 14 or 16. Well, your waist is a 10 or a 12. So, you either go around constantly with a big belt and bunched-up waist, or you go around and people say �Um, nice capri�s?�

Two words: Shoe. Shopping.

Two other words: Sleeve. Length.

Three OTHER words: Clothes. In. General.

Marfan�s Syndrome. You�re casually sitting on the couch flipping through channels, you land on Discovery Health, and you�re suddenly terrified and completely convinced that you have it.

Isotoners. You can�t get those bad boys in a size that doesn�t restrict finger/hand movement, so you�re forced to buy men�s ski gloves with Gortex that are so big and wide and manly that when you try to turn up the volume on your car radio, you end up simultaneously changing the station, switching from FM to AM, and sending all sound to the rear, passenger side speaker. Also, try looking dainty and feminine when you�ve got giant, Gortex-encrusted man-hands. (Avoidable in warmer climates.)

When people come up to you and tell you how brave you are for wearing heels, when you really only wear them because they slim your ankles, and hell, they�re cute (and hard to find). The fact that they make you freakishly taller than you already are, not exactly something that you need reminding about.

When you somehow get stuck riding bitch in the backseat. Normally, you�d automatically get shotgun by default, but somehow, you�ve found yourself curled up in the upright fetal position only to uncooly unload yourself from the car upon arrival to your destination picking knee skin out of your teeth.

Above-average height presents the Tall Chick with numerous challenges�some annoying, some unavoidable, and some self depreciating. But you know? I think that Panty Hose Chub Rub one is the worst. Ugh.

Go get �em, girls. And watch your head.

"Love your enemies. It really pisses them off."--Anonymous

2002-10-25 11:05 a.m.

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Knee Deep in the Hoopla
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