The Roof Is On Fire

So it's about midnight, and I'm still awake, watching TV. Our balcony door is open, so I can hear pretty much everything that happens outside, as the back of our apartment faces four other buildings and it creates something of sound buildup. Anyway, neither here nor there.

I hear knocking going on at the building directly behind ours (about 20 feet away), and for some reason, I'm totally thinking that someone is going around knocking on our neighbors doors because they're going to bust through the door when they open it and rob them. It's a paranoia I have. Anyway, I close our blinds because, again, I'm paranoid, and try to ignore what's going on.

Then I hear sirens getting closer and closer and I'm thinking oh CRAP, something did go down next door. It is LA afterall, and well within the realm of possibility.

Anyway, next thing I know, I sneak a peak out the window and see the building next door on fire. The firemen are on scene of course, but yikes. Around 12:20, the chainsaws start going. They're still going, in case you were wondering why I'm making a journal entry at 12:37am.

Again, anyway. I start thinking that because of my paranoia about opening doors to strangers (I also used to ignore people in college when they knocked on my dorm room, even if I knew who it was) I might not know if, for instance, my building was on fire. I'm going to sit on that one, because I also have this intense fear of getting burned to death, and... catch-22's suck.

In any event, I hope everyone next door is okay, and that they all have renter's insurance.

"If my arm's ever on fire, I'll try not to wake you up." -- Erin

2003-04-14 12:30 a.m.

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