Office Cloak & Dagger

Things around the office here at Reputable Company must be getting really boring, because the entire corporation has started playing the ever fun, oft discouraged Office Cloak & Dagger.

The dynamics of this game can be as intricate as you like, but in the interest of spreading the love (and joy) below are the ins and outs of OC&D around here.

What's basically going on here: Someone steals something off of someone's desk in order to obtain something that said person can get them. Or just because they're totally, totally bored.

You will need:

--A coworker who will play along and not throw a tizzy if someone takes something off their desk.

--A coworker (who isn't completely obvious--a receptionist is the best) who is willing to be the go-between/operative.

--A window of opportunity in order to do the stealing.

--Something of value to you personally that can act as a ransom. (IE--if they have a certain tape dispenser you want, ask for that.)

How the plan works:

1) The window of opportunity is seized. The target gets up from their desk to go to the bathroom/copyroom/meeting. Move in. Take that candy jar or day planner. In its place, you leave your already scripted note ("We have your day planner. Stop. For further instruction, please go to reception. Stop. The password is 'arrowhead.' Stop. Be there by 0930 or the bear gets it. Stop.") Be advised--if your handwriting is unique, have a coworker/coconspirator write it. For best results, cut out your note from company letterhead and other office brochures.

Post scriptum (1)-- telegram-style isn't necessary--just fun.

2) The receptionist/go-between/operative is activated. This operative must know all details of the mission in the event that something goes wrong, but also must be trustworthy enough to reply only "that's all I know" when pressed. Here at Reputable Company, this operative has only another note stating the locale of the Seized Item In Question, or further instruction (ie--a dead drop with Lisa in accounting outside the second floor elevators). The Target says the password to the operative, and the note changes hands.

3) The Seized Item is returned/Dead Drop/Step Two in Your Little Game. Depending on how much time you have on your hands and how many allies you have in your office, this could go on all day. Be as creative as you want. If your company has more than one floor, this is the time to use it! Remember, the workers in your company that get paid the least usually have the most pull and the most access. Receptionists and maintenance workers usually have keys to the whole building, work with these people! You should already be friends with them because you're a nice person. People who treat these people as second class citizens just because they sit where they do or clean up their messes are assholes. Don't be an asshole. Use your friends. Receptionists and maintenance workers are usually really bored anyway, and always happy to help with fun stuff like this. They'll be so thrilled you aren't calling just because they forgot someone's extension or dropped a jar of mayo on the executive pantry floor that they'll be happy to help out.

Post scriptum (3)--Sorry about beating that one to death. Still a little bitter.

4) That's pretty much it. Be creative. Confound a whole department if you want to. Break up the tedium, my dear. Everyone will be glad you did. Especially you--you'll get that nice tape dispenser you've had your eye on since October.

"Vaughn: Hi, I'm Michael Vaughn. Welcome to the CIA.

Agent Marshall Flinkman: Uh, yeah I've heard that one before. " -- Alias

2004-03-02 4:09 p.m.

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