The Most Gigantic Cold Sore This Side of an Icicle Through the Skull

First, ouch. Second, urgh. Third, dude!

I have a gigantic cold sore. It's leaving shadows, I kid you not.

I woke up Friday morning with that odd tingling sensation you get in your lip in the exact spot you're about to develop a heinous cold sore in. It has since not only developed, but developed into the largest and most painful cold sore I have ever had in my life.

I'm lucky I'm a big person because this cold sore would probably eat a small child if it got too close.

Add it to the other bumps, scrapes and bruises I have from my unfortunate fall, I look like I got into a fight. Which is actually kind of beneficial, because now whenever I catch anyone staring at my lip, I can just say "you should see the other guy" and they automatically think I've been duking it out with someone as opposed to exposing them to facial herpes. Or something.

In any event, it's merely adding insult to injury, and my current life sucks just that little bit more.

Maybe the wildfires raging here in Southern California will burn down my apartment and make my hell complete.

"And the hits just keep ooooon comin'." --Daniel Caffey, A Few Good Men

2003-10-25 2:24 p.m.

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