New Apartment! You Magnificent Bastard!

I both love and hate our new apartment. I'm going to start with the Cons because I have recently discovered that I am completely a glass-is-half-empty kind of person (the discovery was a real shock to me).

--THIN WALLS. Seriously thin walls. Walls made of rice paper that you could stick your tongue through. I can hear EVERYTHING that happens within a five-mile radius of our building. People walking upstairs? Check. Guy in apartment next to ours hacking up phlem every morning (at 6am)? Check. Dog breathing three doors down? Check. People walking up the stairs directly outside of our door? Check. Other Squicky Things That Will Not Be Named? CHECK.
--OUR LANDLORD. Dumbass. I don't even know how to describe this guy. I mean, seriously.
--I KILLED A COCKROACH YESTERDAY. Not exactly the biggest cockroach this side of Gregor Sampsa, but still. A cockroach. EW!
--MY BATHROOM. I don't think I can do my hate justice here. I hate my bathroom. HATE IT. My old bathroom was so deliciously large. And it had counterspace. And cupboards. And places to hide toilet paper and tampons. And it didn't have a gigantic space heater in the MIDDLE OF THE WALL. And I could stick my arms out and not automatically touch all four walls of it. And it didn't have a loud, annoying fan with a death rattle. (Like my neighbor's only with less phlem. So far.)
--PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED LEASE FIASCO. I think the fucked up numbers thing is chronic thing here, because the phone company has utterly fucked up our service. I mean, first, no matter how many times I tried to call to get the service seet up, the automatic computer lady voice on the other end would try to connect me to the right number and FAIL. Which was seriously confidence inspiring, let me tell you. So then I called a new company and everything seemed to be going well. Except then it started not going so well anymore... Like, they gave me a new number. Then they changed it. Now we can't get a dial tone. AND NO ONE CAN FIGURE OUT WHY.
--MY PROXIMITY TO BEVMO. I am going to become an alcoholic wino.

--MY PROXIMITY TO BEVMO. I am going to become an alcoholic wino!
--MY COMMUTE. It rules. I can sleep until 8:30 if I wanted to and STILL make it to work by 9. Oh man, that's so sweet. And advantageous, because since our walls are so fucking thin, I'm getting about 2 hours of uniterrupted shut-eye a night. But these are the Pros! Onward!
--MY PROXIMITY TO BEST FRIEND. She seriously lives like three blocks away. This hasn't been advantageous yet, but I think it will be.
--HARDWOOD FLOORS. So what if they're always dirty and I'm turning into my mother? They're hardwood floors!
--PAINT. What worlds can be said with paint. I mean, seriously.

Okay, at this point, I can't think of anything else, other than the fact that I haven't gotten any bills at the new place, which is both a Pro and a Con.


2005-03-30 4:11 p.m.

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